UAE Cyber Crime Laws – All you need to know

UAE cyber crime laws
UAE cyber crime laws

Federal Legal Decree No. 5 for 2012 on combating cyber crimes has been issued by President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan several years ago but many people still have lots of questions regarding it.

Let’s clarify the main points of this law.

The decree protects privacy of information from any use whatsoever by electronic or IT means to forge or produce duplicates of credit cards or civil cards.

The new decree stipulates punishments on any individual for using any kind of information technology to extort or to threaten others online to force them to engage in, or, for that matter to prevent them from engaging in, a certain act.

Indecent acts

The decree criminalises activities by any person who creates or runs any electronic site to send, transmit, publish or promote online any pornographic material, gambling activities and any other indecent acts.

It also imposes punishment on any person for attempting to, and for helping others to, seduce others and solicit prostitution and to urge, induce or entice another person to engage in an act of prostitution.

It also criminalises acts by any one to insult others or to accuse others of acts which would lead to punishment or contempt by a third party, online or through any other information technology means.

Copyright issues

Federal Legal Decree No. 5/2012 also imposes punishment for anyone for using an electronic network or any information technology means for the unwarranted violation of the privacy of others by eavesdropping, intercepting, recording or disclosing conversations, communications, audio and video material; taking photographs of others, creating electronic photos of others, disclosing, copying or saving them; publishing news, electronic photographs or photographs or scenes, comments, data and information even if they are authentic.

The decree stipulates punishment for any person creating or running an electronic site to publish information online or through any information technology means with the intention to engage in trafficking in persons or the illegal trade of human organs.

It also stipulates punishments for any person creating or running an electronic site to publish, online or through any information technology means, any programmes or ideas which would promote disorder, hate, racism or sectarianism and damage national unity or social peace or damage public order and pubic decency.

The decree also stipulates punishments any person for creating or running an electronic site to publish information online or through any information technology means with the intention to engage in unauthorized trade in firearms, ammunition or explosives.

Terrorist acts

The decree further stipulates punishments for any person creating or running an electronic site to publish information online or through any information technology means to promote any terrorist groups and any unlicensed society, organisation or body, to facilitate contacts with their leaders or to solicit new members, promote the thoughts thereof, to finance their activities, to provide funds and actual help for its activities, or, for that matter, to promote the making of incendiary devices, explosives or any devices used in terrorist acts.

It also stipulates punishments for any person for creating or running an electronic site to raise, online or through any information technology means, that may call for the raising of donations without authorization from the competent authorities.

State security

It also stipulates penalties of imprisonment on any person who may create or run an electronic site or any information technology means, to deride or to damage the reputation or the stature of the state or any of its institutions, its President, the Vice President, any of the Rulers of the emirates, their Crown Princes, the Deputy Rulers, the national flag, the national anthem, the emblem of the state or any of its symbols.

It also stipulates penalties of imprisonment on any person publishing any information, news, caricatures or any other kind of pictures that would pose threats to the security of the state and to its highest interests or violate its public order.

It also stipulates penalties of imprisonment on any person creating or running an electronic site or any information technology means to engage in, or to call for, the overthrow of the system of government of the state or to seize it, or to seek to disrupt or obstruct the Constitution or the effective laws of the state, or to oppose the basic principles which constitute the foundations of the system of government of the state. The same punishment is imposed by the decree on anyone who calls for, promotes or provokes the aforementioned acts or abets or helps others to engage in them.


It also stipulates penalties of imprisonment on any person using electronic sites or any information technology means to call for disobeying the laws and regulations of the state that may be in effect.

It also stipulates penalties of imprisonment on any person using electronic sites or any information technology means to call for demonstrations, marches and similar activities without a license being obtained in advance from the competent authorities.

Unauthorised trade

It also stipulates penalties of imprisonment on any person using electronic sites or any information technology means to call to engage in the unauthorised trade of antiquities and works of art.

It further stipulates penalties of imprisonment on any person using electronic sites or any information technology means to engage in the unauthorised use of, or provide unauthorized facilities to others to use, communication services or audio and video channels.

Contempt of religion

It also stipulates penalties of imprisonment for any person for using electronic sites or any information technology means to display contempt for any holy symbols, characters, figures and rituals of Islam including the Divinity (Allah, God) and the Prophets; for any other faiths or religions or any of their symbols, characters, figures and rituals; or to display contempt for or to insult any of the Divine Religions and to call for the engagement in or the promotion of sins.


It also stipulates penalties of imprisonment for any person using electronic sites or any information technology means to engage in, promote or facilitate the illegal trade of drugs, narcotics and any psychoactive drugs.

Illegal funds and content

It also stipulates penalties of imprisonment for any person using electronic sites or any information technology means to transfer or deposit illegal funds with the intention to hide or camouflage their source, or, for that matter, to hide or camouflage the facts about illegal funds, their source, movement, ownership and the rights attached to them as well as to acquire, own or use illegal funds despite knowledge by the involved person of the illegal status of their sources.

The new decree also imposes penalties of imprisonment to any person providing any organisations, bodies, institutions or entities, online or through any information technology means with misleading, inaccurate or incorrect information which would damage the interests of the state or damage its reputation and stature.

The new decree also imposes penalties of imprisonment and fines, or either of these, on any owner or administrator of an electronic website or any information technology means or devices for storing or intentionally providing illegal content,despite his or her knowledge of the illegal nature of the content, or for not removing, or failing to prevent access to this illegal content within the period stated in a written warning sent to him by the competent authorities declaring the illegal status of the content available online or the electronic site.


The new decree also allows for the seizure of the devices, software, programmes and any other means used in committing any of these crimes as well as the permanent or temporary closure of the involved property or the site. It also provided for the deportation of any foreigner convicted of any of these crimes upon the completion of the carrying out of any punishment.

The court may order that individuals convicted under the terms of the decree may be placed under surveillance or supervision, may be prevented from using networks or the information technology system or may be lodged in a rehabilitation centre or a treatment facility for a period considered by the court to be suitable.

Upon a request from the prosecutor general, the relevant court may mitigate the punishment of any people or exempt them from such punishment if they provided the judicial or administrative authorities with information related to any of the crimes against the security of the state stated in the decree, such information leading to the solving of the crime, the unveiling of or the confirmation of the involvement of the perpetrators or the apprehension of one of them.

Used materials form Emirates24.

UAE legal experts explanations on cyber crime law

In the UAE, the law prohibits VPNs if they are used to commit or conceal a crime, legal experts say.

“Article 9 in the UAE’s Law No.5/2012 on Combatting Cyber Crimes makes it an offense to use ‘a fraudulent computer network protocol address by using a false address or a third party address’ for the purposes of committing or concealing a crime,” said Dino Wilkinson, legal expert in Abu Dhabi.

“The focus of this type of legislation is generally on prohibiting larger-scale serious IT crime such as hacking or denial of service attacks,” he said.

Wilkinson said that it is highly unlikely the UAE law would be construed to pursue expatriates using VPNs to access online TV services.

“I am not aware of any particular enforcement actions being taken or contemplated by authorities on this type of benign personal use,” he said.

“I think there would be a bit of uproar among expats if they were stopped from watching Eastenders or the equivalent from their home countries.”

From Sahrzad’s Blog

Is it safe to buy Spider VPN service?

Many people ask us if it is safe to buy vpn from our website?
The short answer is YES! And below you can find out why.

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Anti-Cyber Crime Law is not new. It works in Kingdom  since 26 March 2007.

Let’s consider the types of violations people can do without even knowing that.

Here is the original Anti-Cyber Crime Law on Saudi Arabia government website.

The main goals of this law is really clear:

  1. Enhancement of information security.
  2. Protection of rights pertaining to the legitimate use of computers and information networks.
  3. Protection of public Interest, morals, and common values.
  4. Protection of national economy.

For the next cyber crimes person can expect such punishment as imprisonment for a period not exceeding one year and a fine not exceeding live hundred thousand riyals:

  1. Spying on, interception or reception of data transmitted through an information network or a computer without legitimate authorization.
  2. Unlawful access to computers with the intention to threaten or blackmail any person to compel him to take or refrain from taking an action, be it lawful or unlawful.
  3. Unlawful access to a web site, or hacking a web site with the intention to change its design, destroy or modify it, or occupy its URL.
  4. Invasion of privacy through the misuse of camera-equipped mobile phones and the like.
  5. Defamation and infliction of damage upon others through the use of various information technology devices.


The following crimes are punished by Imprisonment for a period not exceeding three years and a fine not exceeding two million :

  1. Acquisition of movable property or bonds for oneself or others or signing such bonds through fraud or use of false name or identity.
  2. Illegally accessing bank or credit data, or data pertaining to ownership of securities with the intention of obtaining data, information, funds or services offered.


Some of the next violations will lead to imprisonment for a period not exceeding four years and a fine not exceeding three million riyals or to either punishment:

  1. Unlawful access to computers with the intention to delete, erase, destroy, leak, damage, alter or redistribute private data
  2. Causing the information network to halt or breakdown, or destroying, deleting, leaking or altering existing or stored programs or data.
  3. Obstruction of access to, distortion, and causing the breakdown of services by any means.

The most important part for usual Internet users!


  1. Production, preparation, transmission, or storage of material impinging on public order, religious values, public morals, and privacy, through the information network or computers.
  2. The construction or publicizing of a website on the information network or computer to promote or facilitate human trafficking.
  3. The preparation, publication, and promotion of material for pornographic or gambling sites which violates public morals.

Can lead to five years imprisonment and a fine three million riyals!

Be careful and think before writing or sharing post is social networks!

We wrote about a man who was deported from the country for such cyber crime.

The crimes below are considered as the most willful violations:

  1. The construction or publicizing of a website on the information network or on a computer for terrorist organizations to facilitate communication with leaders or members of such organizations, finance them, promote their ideologies, publicize methods of making incendiary devices or explosives, or any other means used in terrorist activities.
  2. Unlawful access to a web site or an information system directly, or through the information network or any computer with the Intention of obtaining data jeopardizing the internal or external security of the State or its national economy.

They are punished by 10 year imprisonment and a fine not exceeding five million riyals.

So now you can understand how serious in Internet censure in Saudi Arabia and how important is caring about your on-line security and privacy!

From Sahrzad’s Blog:

Deported from Saudi Arabia for Sending porn pictures via Internet


This story must be interesting and instructive for all expatriates in Saudi Arabia. We have already written that Facebook and Twitter are monitored in KSA, and today we want to ask you be very careful talking via messagers like Whatsapp.

Please think twice before writing something about Saudi Arabia in social media or on some forums because all your posts can be monitored.

Do not write anything against Islam, against government and, of course, porn and gambling related messages are strictly prohibited.

Below is the real story from one person who was deported from Saudi Arabia for sending porn pictures via Internet.

Real story from Deported Man

“I was deported from KSA very recently March 9, 2015 after I was jailed for 1 month, because I was arrested by Muttawas as I was chatting on the social media with an Arab gay and tried to meet the person. I had finger prints in the police  station and one policeman told me that I will be banned in all Gulf countries for five years.
Arab gay in mobile application called whatsapp from a long time. He said he wants to meet me, I refused many times but he insisted to meet me. When it continued for a long time, I finally accepted to meet him because he was insisting so much. When I went to the meeting place in the street he called me in my mobile and while I was talking to him, 2 muttawas came from my back and arrested me. They brought me to the police station. After 2 weeks in jail they
told me that I will be deported to Philippines. I was detained in the police station for 1 month and 1 week then my kafeel came and released me and deported me after 5 days.

While inside the jail I found out that the person I was chatting is the muttawa, he changed his voice to deceive me. There were many saudis inside the jail who were arrested in the same manner that I was arrested but we were chatting in different apps (whatsapp, badoo, who’s here, twitter, instagram). I sent him some adult jokes, porn clips
and pics which they used against me.

My suggestion

to general public and my fellow expatriates is stop using any social media and meet up any anonymous person from the internet. My boss told me that I was terminated by the company because I am gay based on the police report.”

I do understand that Islam disallows such things but, on my opinion, every person must decide this by himself, espessially if he is expat in the country.

Everybody must respect country’s laws, but the laws must respect human rights.

Our Suggestion

Always use secure Internet connection while you are in Saudi Arabia.

VPN (Virtual private network) is the best solution:

  • It is Safe
  • It is secure
  • It is 100% anonymous
  • VPN is the only way for being safe on-line in KSA!


From Sahrzad’s Blog:

Pros and Cons of Open VPN Technology


If you want to browse the Internet anonymously and simply being secured online, VPN (Virtual Private Network) is without a doubt the best choice. As compared to other methods, VPN offers encrypted web traffic which protects you from undesirable third party. However, there are many types of VPN, and Open VPN is only one of them.

In layman’s term, Open VPN is an open source software application that provides secured virtual connection between two computers at different locations. To achieve secured connection, it uses the OpenSSL encryption library along with other strong security features. Despite being fairly new, it is one of the most preferred VPN protocol.

But before you decide to use it to secure your Internet connection, below are some of the major advantages and disadvantages of Open VPN.


Pros of Open VPN:

 Strong encryption

Open VPN is known for having a strong encryption, which is considerably better against the NSA (National Security Agency). The OpenSSL encryption library supports a number of cryptographic algorithms including the AES which is known for almost no weakness at all.

 Highly reliable

 Besides being secured, Open VPN is highly reliable, thanks to its capability of allowing for repair or reconfiguration even if the network is down. This means that no drop of packets which means no data will be lost once there is a corruption during the communication.

Works with DD-WRT routers

 This is a great advantage if you want to run your local network on a single VPN account. To be able to achieve this, you will need a DD-WRT supporting router. Thiif done correctly, this free Linux-based firmware upgrade allows you to share a single VPN connection.

 Great community support

 This is pretty obvious because of the extreme popularity of Open VPN. And because it is an open source application, it can be easily be modified. This is why you can easily get support from other users around the globe. And yes, it is very much applicable to mobile phones.

We can recommend a great Open VPN for Android – Spider VPN.

 Cons of Open VPN

 Software required

You will need third party software before you can use Open VPN. You will need it for the authentication of the VPN server. If you are not a techie guy, this might be a problem to you. Although it is pretty easy to install, you might find it complicated to use if you are a beginner.

Possibility of High Latency

In terms of Internet, latency is the time delay of the response in the network, and is therefore a waste of time and can be annoying if you playing online games. And because of the high load in Open VPN, you might encounter this problem depending on your location of your access.

There are other disadvantages of Open VPN, but they are considerably minor. For example, it is quite slower than PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) and L2TP/IPSec. Some user also note that Open VPN for desktop computers is better than for mobile devices. However, if you are really concern with security and reliability, then you should choose Open VPN.



How to Unblock Websites on Android Devices Best Tips 2015

Android vpn

Without a doubt, the number of smartphone users will continue to increase as time goes by. But still, there are tons of restricted websites, no matter what kind of  device you are using. There are actually different ways to unblock websites; but so far, VPN (Virtual Private Network) is still the best way.

First of all, many offices and schools block websites not only to remove all the distractions at work, but also to control young students from inappropriate content. There are also some countries, particularly in the Middle East that implement very strict Internet censorship. But sometimes, you need to access some restricted websites.

Just like proxy sites, VPN will assign a new IP address for you, hiding your real IP address and geo-location as well. Therefore, you can now browse the Internet anonymously. But with VPN, your data is well-protected because of encryption. This means that almost no third party can intercept your web traffic, even if you are using your smartphone in a public Wi-Fi zone.

If you are an Android device user, there are tons of VPN apps at Google Play Store to choose from. You can easily download the one you like, and the procedures are very easy to follow.  In fact, it can be done within a few minutes only. You will be given choices of web browser and country of origin. And yes, you can choose any country available in the list.

In case you don’t know, Android has a built-in VPN client – PPTP, L2TP/IPsec VPN and Open VPN security protocols. However, PPTP is not stable and least secured. On the other hand, PPTP and L2TP/IPsec VPN are both complicated and may require you to download third party software. This is why you can choose external VPNs.

But while using VPN for Android devices is pretty easy, the hardest part is how to choose which of them are the most applicable to you. To start with, identify the activities you will do while using a VPN. If you will play online games, you will need a tougher VPN to minimize lagging (or the slow response from the server) which is very annoying.

There are also VPNs that offer unlimited bandwidth which are very tempting. However,  you might need to pay additional cost for the bandwidth that you will not use. Avoid also the VPN service providers that keep logs; this can be dangerous because you are not totally secured and the Internet police in strict countries might find you.

You might also be tempted in using free VPNs instead of the paid ones. Obviously, you can save money from using these free services. But if you are really serious in using VPN, investing a small amount money is a better choice. With a paid VPN, you will not be distracted by tons of ridiculous advertisements that will appear everywhere.

In addition, you can be sure of faster response from their customer service and technical support them, simply because you paid for them. Many premium VPN service providers offer various types of security protocols as compared to the free ones. Not to mention, paid VPNs offer faster Internet connection because free VPNs are not obliged to invest in bandwidth.

From Sahrzad’s Blog:

How to open blocked sites in Android tablet or mobile phone


Problem of Internet censure became more and more topical in many places in the world. Especially in the Middle East. Locals and tourists cannot open blocked sites and use such services like Skype and Viber. And these blocks turn to real problem.

Today we will discuss how to unblock sites on Android so far as in 2015 Android has the largest installed base of all operating systems with over 1.5 billion end users. This is more than Windows, iOS and Mac OS X devices combined.

Top solutions to access blocked sites on Android

Among the most popular solutions to access restricted websites on Android device are :

VPN Application vs VPN Service

VPN Application pros and cons

+ fast and easy in use

+ free to install

+ no technical knowledge are required

– Obsession Advertisins

– Possible Hidden security risks

– Covered payments

– Implicit functions.

VPN Service pros and cons

+ no additions installs needed

+ only Android OS features are used

+ no hidden payments

+ no advertising

+ affordable price

+ no implicit functions

+ 100% safe and secure

– You need to buy vpn account

– You need to create vpn connection by yourself.

Described below must help you to decide what is the best choice for you.

To help you to make a decision we share a simple step by step guide how to setup vpn connection in your Android device without any special applications.

You can be sure that this is absolutely safe!

VPN setup guide for Android device

To make a new vpn tunnel on Android device:

1. Click Settings icon


2. Select Wireless & Networks and tap on VPN


3. Tap Add VPN Network


4. Input connection name (Sahrzad VPN), select the type of your VPN connection – PPTP VPN, input VPN server address from your account data.
Please be carefully – don’t use any additional symbols like spaces, http://, www, / …etc in the server address.

Setup VPN on Android device

5.  Input your Username and password that you received from VPN account service in e-mail.
Save it and tap Connect.

For connection to vpn server:

1.    Select Home > Menu > Settings

2.    Tap Wireless & networks

3.    Tap VPN settings

4.    The VPN connections you have added are present in the list

5.    Tap the VPN you wish to connect to (Sahrzad VPN)

6.    A dialog box will open asking for your credentials, enter them and click connect

When you are connected to VPN, you will see an ongoing notification in the Status bar on your Android device. If you are disconnected, you will receive a notification and an option to go back to the VPN settings section.

Once you have created vpn connection you can switch it on and off on the main settings screen.

Also we are happy to offer you special 30% discount code for Sahrzad visitors!


Please note that this is a time limited offer! Only till August 1st!

Don’t miss your chance to stay secure and private online and access any blocked website wherever you are!

(it is valid for 6 months and 1 year subscriptions)


From Sahrzad’s blog:

VPN for Viber explained



Sometimes people ask me:

What is Viber VPN?

Is this something special?

The answer is easy! And you might be surprised.

There is no any special Viber VPN!

You can use any vpn to unblock Viber in such countries like United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman and any other.

The process really simple:

  1. You create vpn connection on your device (see our guides for Android and iOS)
  2. You connect to one of vpn servers
  3. You can use Viber wherever you are!

So don’t believe people if they say you need some special vpn for Viber. Any vpn service will work.

The other question is that not all vpn services are the same and not all will work good for you.

In any case you can try vpn before buying and be sure that it works for you!

