Discord Banned in UAE – How to Unblock Discord Today

According to the recent news, Discord is banned in UAE now. This is really sad and frustrating fact for many people. Discord is a really amazing free voice and video chat tool that can simplify your life. What you can do to unblock Discord in UAE today? The best solution for Discord in UAE is personal vpn account. This is a secure encrypted tunnel between your device (computer or smartphone) that hides your IP address and helps to bypass all Internet restrictions and blocks.

Would you like to try safe and secure VPN for Discord in UAE right now?

Why Discord is Blocked in UAE

Internet service providers in the United Arab Emirates (DU and Etisalat) blocks all VOIP services like Skype, Line, IMO, Viber, Whatsapp, Teamspeak and many others. No voice and video calling services are available in the country. You can access all such service only via secure and invisible VPN.

When you create a vpn connection on your device, all your Internet traffic pass via a secure encrypted tunnel and your IP address is masked. It looks like you are connected from another country (the country of VPN server you are connected to)

How to Unblock Discord on Mac

1. Download Shimo VPN client here

2. Open the downloaded file and follow the onscreen instruction to install Shimo

3. Click on the little Shimo icon to open Shimo Preferences

Setup PPTP VPN in MacOS

4. Open the Accounts tab and click on ‘+’ to create a new PPTP/L2TP account

Setup PPTP VPN in MacOS

5. Enter your Remote Host (Server address), Username and Password from the letter with your VPN account data.

Setup PPTP VPN in MacOS
6. You can easily connect your mac over the menu bar of macOS. You only have to click on the Account you just added. For example “University XY”

How to Unblock Discord in iOS

To setup SSL (SSTP) vpn connection in your iPhone you need to do the next:

1. Install Cisco Anyconnect app from App Store
2. Open Anyconnect app and in Settings section uncheck “Block Untrusted Servers” to allow it.
how to setup SSL (SSTP) vpn in iOS iPhone iPad -1 how to setup SSL (SSTP) vpn in iOS iPhone iPad -2
3. Back to Home, tap Connections -> Add VPN Connection.
4. Enter Description (any name) and Server Address. Tap Save
how to setup SSL (SSTP) vpn in iOS iPhone iPad -3
5. Swipe the AnyConnect VPN switch from OFF to ON and tap Continue
how to setup SSL (SSTP) vpn in iOS iPhone iPad -4 how to setup SSL (SSTP) vpn in iOS iPhone iPad -5
6. Input Username tap Connect, input Password and tap Connect.
7. Wait for the connection.

how to setup SSL (SSTP) vpn in iOS iPhone iPad -6 how to setup SSL (SSTP) vpn in iOS iPhone iPad -7 how to setup SSL (SSTP) vpn in iOS iPhone iPad -8

How to Unblock Discord in UAE in Android

Please download and install SSTP VPN client here

Launch “VPN client pro” app on your Android device

1. Tap + icon to add new VPN connection and choose “New SSTP VPN Profile”

how to setup SSTP in android

how to setup SSTP in android

2. Input name of the VPN connection (anything you want) and tap “Remote servers”

how to setup SSTP in android

3. Tap + icon on the bottom

how to setup VPN SSTP in android

4. Input Server address that you can find in your “vpn account data” letter in the marked field and tap OK button.

how to setup SSTP VPN in android

5. Server address must be exactly as in your account data (without http://, www or any other symbols)Click the marked icon on the right upper corner to save the settings

how to setup VPN SSTP in android

6. Swipe to the right on the right upper corner to connect to VPN server, input your username and password, tick Save and OK

how to setup VPN SSTP in android

7. If everything is OK you will be connected. When you are connected to VPN, you will see an ongoing notification in the Status bar on your Android device.how to setup VPN SSTP in android


Originally published on Sahrzad blog: http://sahrzad.net/blog/how-to-unblock-discord-in-uae/

VPN in iOS10: What’s new?

ios-10-nimblechappsThe latest version of the iPhone/iPad/Mac operating system, released in new iPhone 7, does not have a support of PPTP VPN point-to-point tunneling protocol connections. If you are using this type of vpn connection you need to take care about this now.

These changes make a lot problem for many iOS users and most of them ask:

How to Use VPN in iOS 10 and Mac OS Sierra?

Well, PPTP vpn is not available now but we still can use Open vpn and L2TP/IP Sec vpn tunnels in these operating systems.

This kind of vpn connection is very secure and reliable.

Below you can find simple step by step guides how to use VPN in iOS 10.

Sahrzad VPN setup Guides for iOS 10

To make a new vpn connection in your iOS device you need to do the next:

    1. 1. Go to Settings > General > VPN
      setup vpn in iOS 10 - 1
    1. 2. Click Add VPN Configuration. Select L2TP VPN and click Back
      setup vpn in iPhone/iPad 2
    1. 3. Input you VPN account data – server, account and password. You get these data from Sahrzad service in the e-mail after ordering vpn. Fill the Secret field – secret (small letters)
      setup vpn in iPhone/iPad 3
    1. 4. Tap Done to save the settings.
      setup vpn in iPhone/iPad 4

Once you have created vpn connection you can switch it on and off on the main settings screen.

Sahrzad VPN setup Guides for Macbook and MAC OS Sierra

To create a new vpn tunnel in your MAC OS device you need to do the next:

  1. Download Easy SSTP application here or here and install.
  2.  Run Easy SSTP from Applications.
  3. Click on Easy SSTP icon from Menu bar (right upper corner) and choose “Configure”Setup VPN in Mac OS Sierra - 1
  4. Click “New”.
  5. Fill the necessary fields:Connection Type: Password
    Connection Name: SSTP VPN (for example)
    Server: Server address from your VPN account data
    Username: Account name from your VPN account data
    Password: Password from your VPN account data
    Please note: Server address must be exactly as in your account data (without http://, www or any other symbols)
    Save this.Setup VPN in Mac OS Sierra - 2
  6. Click “Easy SSTP” icon from Menu bar in the right upper corner and select created SSTP connection (your connection name).
    Setup VPN in Mac OS Sierra - 3

How to setup VPN in MAC OS

You can use Spider vpn on different devices with MAC Operational System.

To make a new vpn connection in your MAC OS device you need to do the next:

1. Click the Apple logo, and select System Preferences

Setup VPN in Mac OS X - 1

2. Click on the Network icon under Internet & Network

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3. If you see a locked padlock in the bottom left, click on it. Otherwise skip to step 5.

Setup VPN in Mac OS X - 3

4. Enter your password in the dialog box

5. Click on the little + icon just above the padlock

Setup VPN in Mac OS X - 5

6. Select VPN From the interface drop down.

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7. Select PPTP From the VPN Type drop down

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8. Enter the name Sahrzad and click Create

Setup VPN in Mac OS X - 8

9. Enter the Server Address that Sahrzad sent you, and your username.
Server address must be exactly as in your account data (without http://, www or any other symbols)
Also check the box that says Show VPN status in menu bar

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10. Click on the Authentication Settings button, and enter your password

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11. Click Advanced button and tick ‘Send all traffic over VPN connection’.

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12. Click Apply button to save all the changes.

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13. In the top right of your screen, click the token icon that looks like this. From that, a menu will drop down. Click on the Connect link for your company name. This will initiate the VPN connection.

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14. If all is well, after a few seconds you will be connected, and a timer will start showing you how long you have been connected

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