Is it safe to surf adult sites while you are in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman

Adult content is prohibited in many countries especially in the Middle East. The countries like the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar has the strictest Internet censorship.
We often receive questions like:
Is it safe to surf adult sites while you are in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, etc?
Let’s resolve this question!
blocked adult sites

You probably know about the strict Internet censorship in the Middle East. Websites for adults are mostly blocked in this part of the world. Moral rules in Gulf countries prohibit watching such content.

But if you still want to surf such kind of websites you need to be aware that this can be very unsafe in case you do not care about your online privacy and security!

Surf adult sites in UAE (Dubai, Abu Dhabi)

First of all, I need to say that all porn sites are blocked in the United Arab Emirates.

Social media are monitored in UAE and sharing adult content is definitely not allowed.

This is a part of anti cyber crime law in UAE:

“The decree criminalizes activities by any person who creates or runs an electronic site to send, transmit, publish or promote online any pornographic material, gambling activities and any other indecent acts.
It also imposes punishment on any person for attempting to, and for helping others to, seduce others and solicit prostitution and to urge, induce or entice another person to engage in an act of prostitution.
It also criminalizes acts by anyone to insult others or to accuse others of acts which would lead to punishment or contempt by a third party, online or through any other information technology means.”

So you need to be very careful surfing such content in UAE or you can be punished very seriously.

It is absolutely necessary to take care of your privacy and safety online in UAE.
You can use proxy or VPN. VPN (Virtual private network) is much more secure.


Surf adult sites in Saudi Arabia (KSA)

Anti-Cyber Crime Law in Saudi Arabia is just unbelievable!

Only imagine 10 years of prison or five million riyals for cybercrime.

Of course, hacking sites and stealing money is very serious crimes which deserve severe punishment.

But accessing adult content??

Are you kidding??

Especially for expats?

Unfortunately, regardless of your religion and beliefs, you can be deported from Saudi for such things.

And again the only safe solution is caring about security with VPN service for example.

Surf adult sites in Oman, Qatar, Bahrain

Oman, Qatar, and Bahrain are not exceptions in this list.

! No adult

***Be careful and think about your privacy***


Ask Sahrzad about this if you still have some questions.

Sahrzad knows the best solutions how to be safe online in the Middle East!


From Sahrzad’s Blog:


Which VPN is safe to use in UAE in 2016

internet safety with Sahrzad vpn
We often get questions like:

Is it safe to use VPN in UAE?
Which VPN is safe to use in UAE?
How to select a good vpn provider in UAE?

VPN safety is based on tunnelling protocols and encryption techniques.

The VPN security model provides:

  • Confidentiality such that even if the network traffic is sniffed at the packet level (see network sniffer and Deep packet inspection), an attacker would only see encrypted data
  • Sender authentication to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the VPN
  • Message integrity to detect any instances of tampering with transmitted messages

Read more in Wikipedia

Some virtual networks may not use encryption to protect the privacy of data. While VPNs often provide security, an unencrypted overlay network does not neatly fit within the secure or trusted categorization. So selecting a reliable vpn service provider pay attention if they provide encryption.

Log files

Another question of security and safety:

Does VPN provider keep log files?

The best for your security if vpn service does not store your log files. This means nobody knows what you are doing online and so no one can supervise your Internet activity.

We tested only the most reliable and secure services with the main features:

  1. Help to Unblock All sites
  2. Safe, secure, and reliable
  3. Protect your privacy

Provide good service with:

  1. No speed limits
  2. No bandwidth
  3. No log files


Sahrzad VPN
1 week $3.99
1 month $9,99
3 months $27.99
6 months $53.99
1 year $89,99


VPN Account
1 week $3.5
1 month $10
3 months $28
6 months $52
1 year $98


 Spider VPN (for Android)
1 week $3
1 month $5
3 months $10
6 months $15
1 year $29.99


VPN Privacy
1 week $3.5
1 month $10
3 months $28
6 months $52
1 year $98

Shared from Sahrzad’s Blog:

What do you know about your Internet privacy?


Do you think you are private on-line? You will be surprised but today really big money are made in violating your privacy. Companies will pay big bucks to learn more about you, and service providers on the web are eager to get their hands on as much information about you as possible.

So what do you do? How do you keep your information out of everyone else’s hands? Here’s a guide to surfing the Interneet while keeping your privacy intact.

The adage goes,

“If you’re not paying for a service, you’re the product, not the customer,”

and it’s never been more true.

Every day more news breaks about a new company that uploads your address book to their servers, skirts in-browser privacy protection, and tracks your every move on the web to learn as much about your browsing habits and activities as possible. In this post, we’ll explain why you should care, and help you lock down your surfing so you can browse in peace.

Why You Should Care


Your personal information is valuable. More valuable than you might think. Huge companies are ready to pay big money for information about people, their demographics, income, and habits, and then roll it up so they could get a complete picture about who you are and how to convince you to buy their products.

The real money is in taking your data and shacking up with third parties to help them come up with new ways to convince you to spend money, sign up for services, and give up more information. Relevant ads are nice, but the real value in your data exists where you won’t see it until you’re too tempted by the offer to know where it came from, whether it’s a coupon in your mailbox or a new daily deal site with incredible bargains tailored to your desires. It all sounds good until you realize the only thing you have to trade for such “exciting” bargains is everything personal about you: your age, income, families ages and income, medical history, dietary habits, favorite web sites, your birthday…the list goes on. It would be fine if you decided to give up this information for a tangible benefit, but you may never see a benefit aside from an ad, and no one’s including you in the decision.

So you must be very careful in the modern global network.

  1. Never share your personal information
  2. Stay protected in public wi-fi networks
  3. Do not save passwords
  4. Use privacy protection tools like VPN

Stay secure and private with pider VPN!


11 expats arrested in Kuwait for gambling


Recently 11 foreigners were arrested by Kuwait police in the Salmiya area in the capital Kuwait City for gambling.

“The officers raided the flat after monitoring it for several days following tips about men going there for illegal activities,” a security source told Kuwaiti daily Al Rai.

“Investigations revealed that seven Asians and four Arabs were running the gambling in the flat. They were all arrested and referred to the competent authorities for legal action,” the source added.

In February last year, security officers arrested a Kuwaiti doctor for reportedly running an illegal casino in the country.

According to reports, 33 other people, including one American citizen and three European nationals, were also arrested in the raid.

The casino, believed to be the largest in the country where gambling is strictly prohibited, charged high fees.

The police raided the makeshift casino after a Kuwaiti man lost 200,000 Dinars (Dh2.60 million) and informed authorities about its existence.

Police closely monitored the area and gathered enough evidence to raid the casino and make arrests.

Police learned that the American man owned a casino in the US and that the Europeans were professionals who operated in international gambling halls.

The reports said that smaller illegal casinos had also been secretly opened in various areas of the country and that a massive raid would be launched.

Gambling is banned in Kuwait, and authorities are concerned that the trend of gambling on the Internet is growing.

Media reports in Kuwait City said a large number of young people from different nationalities are gambling through social networking sites, playing mainly Poker, Black Jack and Roulette.


Stay Safe in the Internet with Sahrzad service!


Be aware! Top 10 Cyber Crimes in UAE


1. Run software on a computer network or an electronic information system or any information technology medium which can cause it to stop functioning or results in crashing, deletion, omission, destruction or alteration of the programme, system, website, data or information, without authorisation.

2. Email SPAM or flooding email with messages .

3. Obtain a secret number, code or password and gain access to information technology without legal right.

4. Use a computer network or information technology system to threaten another person, force them to engage in or prevent them from engaging in a certain act.

5. Establish, manage or run a website for gambling activities, and websites that promote the collection of donations without a license accredited by the competent authority, manage or run a website or use information on a computer network with the intent to publish information, news, cartoon drawings or pictures that may endanger national security.

6. Use a computer network or any information technology system to invade the privacy of another person.

7. Eavesdrop, intercept, record, transfer or disclose conversations or audio or visual material of someone else without consent.

8. Publish photographs of others without consent.

9. Run a website promoting programmes or ideas that would prompt riots, hatred, racism or damage to the national unity.

10. Insult others or accuse them of acts that would lead to punishment or contempt by a third party online.

From Sahrzad’s Blog

Net Neutrality in the EU

Great news for European citizens!

The new EU rules prevent “blocking and throttling” of Internet traffic, as well as paid prioritization, although net neutrality activists have argued the EU’s approach to paid prioritization has too broad a carveout for specialized services and opportunities to favor some traffic.

“The rules enshrine the principle of net neutrality into EU law: no blocking or throttling of online content, applications and services,” the EU said following the vote by the European Parliament. “All traffic will be treated equally. This means, for example, that there can be no paid prioritization of traffic in the internet access service,” it added.
The FCC’s rules also allow for specialized services, like facilities-based VoIP, health monitoring, etc., which it does not treat as Internet access, but it also reserves the right to disallow specialized services that is providing the functional equivalent of an access service and makes clear it does not want folks trying to evade the rules to create fast lanes for things like video services. The EU rules do not have similar language, which makes some activists concerned they could be used for such video fast lanes.
The EU’s language about specialized services in an FAQ about the decision appears to justify that concern.

“The rules will ensure that the constantly growing quality of the open internet access service will not be hampered by the provision of services such as IPTV or telemedicine which share the same infrastructure. These innovative services may only be offered where and if sufficient capacity for internet access remains available.” EU pointed out that that last part about capacity means that specialized services cannot result in the slowing of other general Internet services.

In a letter in advance of the vote, companies including Etsy, Kickstarter, Netflix, Reddit, and Tumblr, pointed out what they said were major flaws in the proposal, including a carve-out for specialized services they say create Internet fast-lanes and allows zero-rating plans, in which carriers exclude some applications from a customer’s data usage totals.
Also criticizing the EU plan were Demand Progress, Fight for the Future, Free Press, and the Future of Music Coalition, the same groups that fought for the Title II-based approach to net neutrality rules the FCC adopted.

“Apparently Silicon Valley interests are disappointed that the European Parliament did not ban the “specialized services” that Europe may need to create a European Digital Single Market to compete with Silicon Valley,” said Scott Cleland, president, Precursor LLC, and chairman of NetCompetiton, which advocates for an open Internet free of government overregulation (NetCompetition is supported by ISPs including members of the National Cable & Telecommunications Association and CTIA).
The EU also voted to end roaming charges by 2017–the net neutrality rules take effect now.

Both are part of a broader EU telecom law reform, with plans for better EU-level spectrum coordination.
“[This Week’s] vote is the final result of intense efforts to put an end to roaming charges in the European Union and to safeguard the open internet,” said European Commission VP Andrus Ansip.

Is it safe to use VPN?


Millions of people cannot imagine their life without Internet today. We connect to global network from anywhere: homes, schools, offices, cafés, hotels, bus stops and even public beaches.

How safe is this?

Have you ever think about your network security and privacy?
This is question is especially actual if you are using unsafe public Wi-Fi zones.
In some countries like UAE, Oman, Saudi Arabia and others Gulf countries your online privacy is not only a question of your wishes to be anonymous. This could be question of your freedom.
That is why you should not risk and rely on doubtful services.
VPN service is really a perfect solution to make you protected in the Internet. But VPN service providers can be different.

What items you should consider to select the best vpn providers for your needs?

1. Privacy policy.

You must be aware that many free vpn service collect your personal information for some unknown needs. How they use these data? It is better to read Privacy policy before using the service.

2. Data logs

Many providers have log files on their services and store this information. This means that they can review your Internet activity anytime! And see what you are doing on-line.

3. Collecting your IP Address

Some vpn providers collect your IP Address. Ask – why do they do that???
To tell the truth – some vpn provider can store your sensitive data for very long time – even longer than your Internet service provider.
What privacy are you talking about in this case???
A VPN service you can rely must wipe all data logs regularly. The best is within hours of them being created. In such case any requests for the data cannot be fulfilled.

What questions do you need to ask?

So if you are going to use a VPN service what questions should you ask in order to determine whether or not they take privacy seriously. Here’s a few suggestions.

Do they have a privacy policy?

You can be surprised to discover that some VPNs don’t even have a privacy policy.

How long do they retain logs?

The best if VPN does not keep log files over 24 hours.

Where the VPN service registered in?

Knowing what country the VPN is registered in will let you research the country’s laws pertaining to online privacy.

What kind of personal data VPN service retains?

It is great to know if your VPN provider can link your account to a real identity.

Spider VPN guarantees you

100% safety and security

with our premium personal VPN solution!


Proxy VS VPN – what is Better?


Many people ask us:

What is proxy and what is vpn?

Are they the same?

What is difference between proxy and vpn?

What is better: proxy of vpn?

Today Sahrzad tells your about vpn and proxy and you can decide what is better for you.

Also you can read about the difference between proxy and vpn we wrote before.

First of all let’s find out what is proxy and what is vpn.

According to Wikipedia:

 Proxy server is a server (a computer system or an application) that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers. A client connects to the proxy server, requesting some service, such as a file, connection, web page, or other resource available from a different server and the proxy server evaluates the request as a way to simplify and control its complexity. Proxies were invented to add structure and encapsulation to distributed systems.

If the destination server filters content based on the origin of the request, the use of a proxy can circumvent this filter. For example, a server using IP-based geolocation to restrict its service to a certain country can be accessed using a proxy located in that country to access the service.

Web proxies are the most common means of bypassing government censorship, although no more than 3% of Internet users use any circumvention tools.

In some cases users can circumvent proxies which filter using blacklists using services designed to proxy information from a non-blacklisted location

An anonymous proxy server (sometimes called a web proxy) generally attempts to anonymize web surfing. There are different varieties of anonymizers. The destination server (the server that ultimately satisfies the web request) receives requests from the anonymizing proxy server, and thus does not receive information about the end user’s address. The requests are not anonymous to the anonymizing proxy server, however, and so a degree of trust is present between the proxy server and the user. Many proxy servers are funded through a continued advertising link to the user.

A proxy can keep the internal network structure of a company secret by using network address translation, which can help the security of the internal network. This makes requests from machines and users on the local network anonymous. Proxies can also be combined with firewalls.

An incorrectly configured proxy can provide access to a network otherwise isolated from the Internet.


In simple words: proxy is some computer that pass through all your traffic.

Proxy is the simplest way to hide your IP address and avoid Internet filtering.

However proxy works only for your browser. If you need it only for surfing – you can use Proxy.

The next level of secure can be reached by VPN.

And again, smart Wikipedia sais about VPN:

virtual private network (VPN) extends a private network across a public network, such as the Internet. It enables users to send and receive data across shared or public networks as if their computing devices were directly connected to the private network, and thus are benefiting from the functionality, security and management policies of the private network. A VPN is created by establishing a virtual point-to-point connection through the use of dedicated connections, virtual tunneling protocols, or traffic encryption.

A VPN spanning the Internet is similar to a wide area network (WAN). From a user perspective, the extended network resources are accessed in the same way as resources available within the private network. Traditional VPNs are characterized by a point-to-point topology, and they do not tend to support or connect broadcast domains.

VPNs allow employees to securely access the corporate intranet while traveling outside the office. Similarly, VPNs securely connect geographically separated offices of an organization, creating one cohesive network. VPN technology is also used by individual Internet users to secure their wireless transactions, to circumvent geo restrictions and censorship, and to connect to proxy servers for the purpose of protecting personal identity and location.

VPN may be classified by:

  • The protocols used to tunnel the traffic
  • The tunnel’s termination point location, e.g., on the customeredge or network-provider edge
  • Whether they offer site-to-site or network-to-network connectivity
  • The levels of security provided

VPN services cannot make online connections absolutely anonymous, but they can increase privacy and security.

The VPN security model provides:

  • Confidentiality such that even if the network traffic is sniffed at the packet level : hacker can only see some encrypted data
  • Sender authentication to prevent unauthorized users from accessing the VPN
  • Message integrity to detect any instances of tampering with transmitted messages

Tunneling protocols can operate in a point-to-point network topology that would theoretically not be considered a VPN, because a VPN by definition is expected to support arbitrary and changing sets of network nodes. But since most router implementations support a software-defined tunnel interface, customer-provisioned VPNs often are simply defined tunnels running conventional routing protocols.


Why VPN Better than Proxy?

VPN provides you:

  • better privacy and security
  • faster speed
  • best stability
  • Works on all systems (Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, Routers) while proxy works only for browser.
  • Unblock all restrictions.

What you can do with VPN and cannot do with most proxies:

  1. Access any blocked sites worldwide
  2. Stay safe with VPN outside your browser
  3. Encrypt your Internet connection
  4. Stay protected from phishing and malware
  5. Fastest surfing and watching videos
  6. Be anonymous is applications and games

To summarize all written above I would like to say that VPN wins!

It is much more secure in conparison with proxy.


UAE: $68,000 fine for swearing in WhatsApp


Are you always polite with your co-workers? If so you can be relaxed – this story cannot affect you. Rude words are present sometimes if your life? Be careful, especially if you are in the UAE.
One person who lives in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) could be fined $68,000 (£42,769) after he swore at his colleague on WhatsApp.

New federal cyber crime law implemented in the country recently says that people charged with online offences could be fined up to £42,769 or jailed. Tourists and foreigners living in UAE are not exceptions: they could be also deported in addition to being fined.

The Federal Supreme Court (FSC) overturned two lower court sentences which fined the man – whose identity has not been disclosed – AED3,000 (£514) after charging him with cybercrimes.

“FSC supported the prosecutor’s appeal and affirmed the need for enforcement of the law governing information technology crimes involving a AED250,000 fine and deportation from the country,” the court said.

According to court documents, the defendant was tried after a colleague complained to police that he had sworn in a message using “insulting” words and allegedly threatened him.

It is not clear what the exact message sent on WhatsApp was. However, the defendant has denied the charges.
Pate allegedly called his employer “backstabbers” and discouraged people from working for the organization. He faces up to five years in jail and a fine if found guilty.